@article{oai:gifu-pu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010774, author = {水野, 瑞夫 and 遠藤, 正治 and ミズノ, ミズオ and エンドウ, ショウジ and MIZUNO, MIZUO and ENDO, SHOJI}, journal = {岐阜藥科大學紀要, The annual proceedings of Gifu College of Pharmacy}, month = {Jun}, note = {P(論文), 1984年に出版された生誕二百年記念誌『飯沼慾斎』以後,飯沼慾斎に関してなされた研究のうち,植物関連の三研究を解説する。慾斎が残した「サビナ」の標本が分析され,その原植物が同定された。慾斎自筆の模写図の原本が同定でき,『草木図説』の成立過程の一端が明らかになった。慾斎の初期の図集『本草図譜』の出典の一つとして『東秀南畝織』の存在が明らかとなった。この書は美濃地方における本草図譜の最初期の作品として注目される。, After the book entitled Yokusai Iinuma for the Commemoration of his 200th birth anniversary was published in 1994,some studies on him have been done. Among them, three papers on plants are herein to be explained away. (I) 'Sabina' specimen which Yokusai had prepared and left behind was analysed and then the original plant of it was identified. (ii) The original sketch-book drawn by Yokusai himself was identified and a bit of making-process of Soumoku Zusetsu was clarified. (iii) Touyuunanboshin was discovered and found to be one of source book of Honzou Zuhu, his carly sketch-book. This book invites attention as one of his carliest piece of Honzou Zuhu in Mino Country.}, pages = {1--11}, title = {<総説>その後の「飯沼慾斎」研究}, volume = {46}, year = {1997} }