@article{oai:gifu-pu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00012038, author = {藍, 石 and 田中, 俊弘 and タナカ, トシヒロ and LAN, Shi and TANAKA, Toshihiro}, journal = {岐阜藥科大學紀要, The annual proceedings of Gifu College of Pharmacy}, month = {Jun}, note = {P(論文), 日本の薬膳に対して影響を与えた中国本草学と薬膳に関する日本の本草を纏め, それらの完成のそれぞれの段階について比較検討した.中国では本草学の起源とともに薬膳の考え方が見られるようになり, 唐, 宋の時代に著しく発展し, 明と清時代に完成普及期が見られた.日本には, これらの情報がただちに伝えられた.鎌倉時代には独自に学問の萌芽がみられ, 江戸時代にその完成が見られた., The authors put the herbal philology of the herbal diet contained in the Japanese philology and the Chinese ones which effected to Japan, and the listed herbal philology were put in order of developing stages, In China, as soon as the beginning of herbal philology, the herbal diet philology had arisen. In the Tang (唐)-Song(宋)period the obvious development was observed and in the Ming (明)-Qing (清) period the completion and diffusion period was observed. These documents were immediately introduced to Japan, In the Kamakura-period a unique herbal diet philology originated, and in the Edo-period the Japanese herbal diet philology was completed.}, pages = {1--10}, title = {<総説>日中両国における薬膳本草}, volume = {49}, year = {2000} }