@article{oai:gifu-pu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006853, author = {杉浦, 衛 and 伊藤, 万蔵 and スギウラ, マモル and イトウ, マンゾウ and Sugiura, Mamoru and Ito, Manzo}, journal = {岐阜藥科大學紀要, The annual proceedings of Gifu College of Pharmacy}, month = {Nov}, note = {P(論文), Aspergillus melleusを用い, プロティナーゼ生産におよぼす培養条件の影響を検討した.プロティナーゼ生産に対する〓培地の好適水分は50-55%, 好適培養温度は20一25°であった.培地水分50%, 25°において, プロティナーゼ生産は菌接種2日後に始まり, プロティナーゼの蓄積は5日後に最適に達した.その酵素量は乾燥麹1g当り9×10<-2>PUであった., Effects of cultural conditions on the proteinase production were investigated by using Aspergillus melleus. Optimum moisture of bran-medium and temperature of culture for the proteinase production were 50-55% and 20-25°, respectively. At 25°and 50% of medium moisture, the proteinase production began at 2 days after inoculation . Accumulation of the proteinase attained to the highest level after 5 days , the amount of which was 9×10^2 PU per gram of dry koji.}, pages = {29--37}, title = {<原報>Aspergillus melleusによるプロティナーゼの産生条件(酵素剤の研究第43報)}, volume = {19}, year = {1969} }