@article{oai:gifu-pu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006879, author = {石黒, 伊三雄 and 池野, 武行 and 松原, 弘 and イシグロ, イサオ and イケノ, タケユキ and マツバラ, ヒロム and Ishiguro, Isao and Ikeno, Takeyuki and Matsubara, Hiromu}, journal = {岐阜藥科大學紀要, The annual proceedings of Gifu College of Pharmacy}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), 蜂蜜の栄養効果について実験的に検討を行ない, 幼若ラットの生育試験, 血糖値の変動, 肝グリコーゲン生成および細胞取り込み量の実験的観察から次の結果を得た.1.蜂蜜添加食を投与した幼若ラットの生育は, 標準食投与群にくらべ良好で25日間で約20gの差が認められた.2.蜂蜜の静注投与時の家兎血糖値には著しい過血糖が認められず, グルコース投与時とは異なった血糖曲線となりフルクトース投与時の血糖曲線に類似した傾向となった.3.蜂蜜の経口投与時における家兎血糖曲線は静注投与時とは異なり, 投与50分後に一過性の過血糖がみられた.4.蜂蜜投与例では静注, 経口いずれの投与方法においても速やかなグリコーゲン生成がみられた.5.蜂蜜の腸管および細胞への取込みには特異性がみられ, 肝細胞が最も良好であった., The effect of honey on sugar metabolism of rats and rabbits was investigated observing blood sugar levels, formation of liver glycogen, sugar uptake of liver cell and diaphragm and inteatinal absorption of honey. The following results were obtained. 1) Body weight of young rats fed on honey was 20 g higher than that fed on sucrose after feeding for 25 days. 2) Blood sugar levels of rabbits administrated honey intravenously are not so high as those of administrated glucose. Oral administration of honey caused a slight increase of blood sugar levels. 3) Liver glycogen of rat by administration of honey increased quickly. 4) Higher sugar utilization of liver cell in vitro was observed when honey rather than glucose was added as substrate.}, pages = {45--53}, title = {<原報>蜂蜜投与時におけるラット,ウサギの糖代謝の変動について}, volume = {21}, year = {1973} }