@article{oai:gifu-pu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008361, author = {杉浦, 春雄 and 西田, 弘之 and 水野, 瑞夫 and 飯沼, 宗和 and 小西, 宏明 and スギウラ, ハルオ and ニシダ, ヒロユキ and ミズノ, ミズオ and イイヌマ, ムネカズ and コニシ, ヒロアキ and SUGIURA, HARUO and NISHIDA, HIROYUKI and MIZUNO, MIZUO and IINUMA, MUNEKAZU and KONISHI, HIROAKI}, journal = {岐阜藥科大學紀要, The annual proceedings of Gifu College of Pharmacy}, month = {Jun}, note = {P(論文), エゾウコギ(Acanthopanax denticosus HARMS)水性エキスの長期間および短期間投与が, マウス骨格筋酸化系酵素活性に及ぼす影響について検討した。その結果, 長期間投与のコハク酸脱水素酵素(SDH)活性およびリンゴ酸脱水素酵素(MDH)活性は, ともに有意な増加を示した。また, 短期間投与による腓腹筋と前脛骨筋のSDH活性は, 有意な増加が認められ, MDH活性は, 増加傾向を示した。エゾウコギ水性エキス投与中止により, SDH活性およびMDH活性に低下傾向が見られたが, 投与効果の持続傾向を示した。以上のことから, エゾウコギ水性エキス投与は, 持久的トレーニング負荷の場合と同様に, マウス骨格筋酸化系酵素活性を高め, 生体内有機的代謝が改善されるものと考えられた。, A study was carried out to examine the effects of a long and short time administrations of aqueous extracts from eleutherococcus on the oxidative enxyme activities in mice skeletal muscle. After the long time administration of the extracts for 9 weeks, significant increases of the succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and malate dehydrogenase (MDH) activities were observed in mice gastrocnemius muscle. On the other hand, the short time administration of the extracts brought significant increase in SDH activity, and increasing tendency in MDH activity in gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior muscles. On suspending a drug administration, the activities of SDH and MDH showed a decreasing tendency, however, the effects of the administration were still obvious even after 5 weeks. The present results suggested that the administration of eleutherococcus aqueous extracts enhanced the oxidative enzyme activities in mice skeletal muscle and resulted in improved metabolic rates in aerobic pathway. The simillar effect has been observed in mice applying endurance training.}, pages = {38--48}, title = {<教養科論文>エゾウコギ投与がマウス骨格筋酸化系酵素活性に及ぼす影響}, volume = {38}, year = {1989} }